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Top list of things to get when bringing a new puppy home
Here are some of our favorite products that we use for our own Corgis and recommend! As Amazon associates we earn a small revenue from purchased products, which of course comes back to provide toys and treats for the puppies and dogs. You can use this list as a starter list to prepare for a puppy. Happy shopping!
Soft 36″ Crate
Liver Treats
Safe Bully Treats
36” wire crate with divider
Pad for 36″ Crate
Puppy Harness
Enzymatic Tooth Paste
Finger Brush for Dogs Teeth
Dog Tooth Brush
Dental Care Wipes
2 Dog Water/Food Bowl
Puppy Kong
Kong Stuff Small
Kong Penut Butter
Puppy Chew Toy Pack
Puppy Shampoo
Waterless Shampoo
Snuffle Mat
Poop Bags
Recall Training Leash
Training Liver Treats
Dremel Nail Grinder